So who is Neil Strategy Group, anyway?
Riley Currie, Strategy Coordinator
@rileykincaid Riley Currie is our favorite (and only) strategy coordinator. She deals mostly in social-media marketing and some other fun stuff, like graphics and website design, and writing her own “about” page as best she can. After graduating high school at seventeen, she used a few years of part-time earnings to backpack from Stockholm to Madrid, worked on a farm in rural Norway and in a warehouse in Portland, Oregon, traveled around for a month in a Prius in the western USA, and finally touched down in Gettysburg, PA (where she promptly tagged along with Neil Strategy Group to Juneau, Alaska)! She handles things on the west coast for us, based in Portland, Oregon, but really she just wants to climb mountains and then move to New York City. (And keep working on strategy, of course.) |